Children and Young People

Some churches meet in big buildings with towers or spires. Our church meets in the Community Centre. When we are here we like to treat it as God’s house because this is the place where we meet to worship Him.

We come to church to say thank you to God for all the good things that we have.Childrens worship

Meeting with other Christians helps us to remember that we must all take care of each other.

When we come to church we read the Bible and hear a lot more about God and His son Jesus. We learn too about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to love Jesus and understand what we hear in church.

We're not providing any specif teaching for children and young people os a Sunday morning at the moment as we've found that they usually prefer to be all in together.  Our services usually start with a few words of welcome and then we sing.  Our singing is our way of thanking God and praising Him for being our Heavenly Father and for caring for us so much.  We’d love you to join in if you can and we’re happy for you to clap your hands, or use one of our musical instruments or even dance if you want to!  Our services also have a time of prayer and a time of teaching.

We try to keep our teaching simple enough for most children to follow and, if appropriate, use multi-media to enhance this.  This can mean having to sit still for quite a long time and we're happy for you to bring a book or quiet activity to do if you find it difficult to listen.  For younger children, we have "Sunday Gold" bags with a few quiet things to do.  These include activity sheets relavent to our teaching.  You can keep the activity sheets but please hand the bag in when it’s time to go.  Our adjacent Church Room is equipped with a small children's library and a play mat and we do have some good resources for use with children and some willing volunteers ready to provide activities for children whose families prefer them to have a separate activity.  All volunteers are members of the Scottish Government's Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme.  Parents are welcome to make use of this room if they wish to take children out of tyhe service at any point (please ask if you need directions)


We also have our "Origins" group which meets in the Church room in the Community Centre during term time on a Friday after school with a snack and activity.  This is designed for 11-14 year olds. 


It is our policy that children remain the responsibility of  parents when they are in church and we ask that you will keep an eye on them and watch out for them if they need to use the toilet facilities. 

We'd love you to stay for a drink and biscuit after our service.