Safeguarding children in our care
We recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children and protected adults. We acknowledge that they can both be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect. Protecting them is everybody's responsibility and it is the duty of every person working with them to share in the prevention of abuse and to report any abuse discovered or suspected.
The Safeguarding Coordinator for Gatehouse Community Church is Alison Barratt
A copy of the Policy and Procedures for Protecting Children and Adults at Risk of Harm is provided in church and additional copies can be obtained from Alison or Pastor Chris.
Before any adult is allowed to work unsupervised with any of the children attending any of our activities they will be subject to appropriate selection procedures which include a criminal records check through Disclosure Scotland. All our children's workers are members of The Scottish Government's 'Protecting Vulnerable Groups' (PVG) scheme.